Friday, August 13, 2010

Current Projects

Right now, I have two major projects going on. The first is that my husband and I are buying our first home at the end of the month and we're in the middle of packing and fetching documents for the mortgage company. We have our apartment until the end of September (thank goodness) so we don't have to scramble.

This may not seem like such a great idea during a move, but I've decided to take an online sewing class at the same time. It goes from August 10th to about September 10th, right in the middle of the madness!

The class is being hosted on a private page at the Freckled Nest blog and is being taught by Leigh Ann (Freckled Nest), Rachel (Smile and Wave), and Courtney(Courtney Janelle Sews). The projects are going to range from simple stuff all the way to altering clothing. Check out the class (with project descriptions) on the Home Ec page.

They are still accepting new registrations until Sunday August 15th, so feel free to jump on board.

window.write("Hello World!");

Hello World! This is my first foray into blogging so please bear with me. My name is Gerri and I go by the name TeaBot on various sites (e.g.: I love anything that is made or remade by real people, since handmade things have a life to them that mass-produced things can never have.

As you may or may not have guessed from the subject of this post, I was trained as a computer programmer. (the "hello world" thing can be found in many programming text books). After working for six years in a little gray cubicle (gray floors, white walls, no windows) sitting in front of a computer writing programs for 40 hours a week, I started to crave anything real, vibrant and imperfect. I was fortunate enough to be able to quit my job just over two years ago and now I'm trying to re-define my life outside of the corporate box.

I'm hoping that sending my thoughts out into the wwworld, I can gain some insight and maybe make some like-minded friends.